this past friday i went down to baltimore to see the dirtbombs and my best friend, will. why aren't there more bands from baltimore? they city is crazy run down in sections and way upscale areas, there should be some good conflict coming out of that. oh well, i digress...
the show was awesome, one of the loudest concerts i've been to in years. they had a wicked tight set, played the full spectrum, it was even the fuzzes birthday and there was cake.
unfortunately we didn't get to go to any record stores, but next time. i did finally get in the mail from no idea Off with their heads and the bananas. while i have really gotten into the bananas album, i've been listening to off with their heads none stop (with brakes for old ska bands) their album all things move towards their end is really consistent, the singing and melody is probably the strongest aspect, not to put down the instruments, but they just seem to be all at the same level so no one stands out from the group. there is a piano here and there on the album which is kinda fun. its been a while since ive listened to a well rounded punk record, and longer since i've found a new one.
anyways, i believe one of the guys in off was in D4 when they started out, so its good to see the circle of good music being played out.

last week i also finally got in the mail beat surrender by the jam. beat surrender is a 2 45 disc single deal with 5 songs that dont show up on any of their studio albums, so i was pretty excited to finally get it. the song beat surrender is clearly the best, and one of the jams best songs, and the cover of curtis mayfields move on up is brilliant. the set also has one of my favorites, stoned out of my mind. you can definitely hear the soul influence on this one more than other stuff by them.